This word describes children’s experience when playing with materials that have different textures. Opportunity is provided to play with water, sand, mud, sawdust, gravel and relevant materials. In addition, children can here play with shapes that have a symbolic meaning, as in chess. The two sand pits facing each other emphasise the difference between the four corners of a square and the three corners of a triangle. These two forms were deliberately chosen to move away from the circular design of the building. Between the two sand pits is a low wall containing pipes of different shapes. The children can run the sand from oneRead More →

Owing to the calming effect thereof, the therapeutic value of especially water play is emphasised by therapists who work with hyperactive children and children who have speech impediments. It also exposes children to maths and science concepts.Read More →

The “Tinka-Tonka” is exactly what the name suggests: a place where the children can make a noise. A strong wire or cable is stretched between two poles. Various objects that produce melodic and percussion sounds, when hit by the children, are attached to the wire or cable. Apart from the experience with the sound – auditory discrimination, it can also assist in getting rid of aggression.Read More →

This play area consists of a set area as well as an open area on the lawn. A different ball activity is provided for daily. Learners’ hand-eye coordination, hand-foot coordination as well as foot-eye coordination are enhanced here during play.Read More →

The arena is designed to look like those of ancient Greece. Children have the opportunity to act out rhymes individually or with the teacher or they can stage a concert. Different props are provided for daily, such as masks, fantasy costumes, etc. During fantasy play, the children have the opportunity to exercise their social and emotional skills.Read More →

Children who grow up in the city don’t have many opportunities to walk bear foot over rough terrain. Here, different objects are cemented into the concrete slab and toddlers are encouraged to walk bear foot across the slab and to express their experience in words. The area contributes to kinesthetic awareness.Read More →

Each class has its own piece of land where they can plant to their hearts’ content. Projects, such as planting of cotton, can be started here. The learners furthermore experience the life cycles of plants.Read More →